Bodyboom Coconut 200 G
Cleanse your skin and fight cellulite with Body Boom's Coconut Coffee Scrub made from the finest coffee and natural products.
Made with coffee, himalayan salt, brown sugar and unique selection of oils
Helps reduce cellulite and stretch marks
Enriched with vitamin E
Moisturize and smooth complexion
Regenerates skin and slows down the aging process
Bodyboom The Original 200 G
This original coffee scented scrub will fight cellulite and stretchmarks for smooth and firm skin.
Packed with salt, this devinely scented Mango Body Boom Scrub will remove toxins to clarify the skin and body for visibly smoother, firmer and elastic skin.
Body Boom is exactly what all women search for! It’s a Body Scrub created from the finest coffee and natural ingredients like Argan Oil, Macadamia Oil, Almond Oil, Olus Oil and Himalayan Salt.
Bodyboom Strawberry 200 G
Body Boom Strawberry Coffee scrub is recommended for all skin types, especially dry and thin. It is suitable for use 2-3 times a week. The scrub has a sweet strawberry scent with moisturizing and smoothing properties. The Body Boom coffee scrub formula is made of natural, non-allergenic ingredients.
Bodyboom Grapefruit 200 G
My refreshing scent of grapefruit will awaken your senses and motivate to action. My high-quality coffee will take care of the appropriate dose of energy. Together we will get rid of cellulite and stretch marks forever! I will make your skin reamin smooth, supple and perfectly moisturized. You'll notice first effects just after the first rinse
مقشر الجسم والوجه من أجود أنواع القهوة والعديد من المكونات الطبيعية مثل زيت الأرغان ، وزيت المكاديميا ، وزيت اللوز ، وزيوت نباتية وملح الهيمالايا. الكربون النشط يتميز بمكونات مقاومة للبكتيريا مكثفة ومقاومة للالتهاب، تخلصك بفاعلية من السموم وتجعل بشرتك مشرقة
يمنحك بودي بوم ما يلي
الكافيين الموجود في القهوة يقلل بصورة ظاهرة السيلوليت وعلامات تمدد الجلد-
يحتوي على مجموعة مختاره بعناية من الزيوت ترطب وتنعم البشرة-
السكر البني وملح الهيمالايا يقشران وينظفان الجلد-
Apply the body scrub on wet skin and massage it in circular motions. Leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse thoroughly.